It’s National Take Your Dog to Work Day! Meet the Pets of BARR

June 26, 2020 |

Today is National Take Your Dog to Work Day, but with BARR Advisory’s remote working culture, we’re lucky enough to celebrate this every day. Our pets are our unofficial co-workers, and they truly brighten up our lives. 

Pets are an important part of BARR’s company culture. In fact, we even have a Slack channel dedicated to posting photos and videos of our #petsandkids.

“My dog, Waffle, as much as she does distract, also gives me a good reminder to get up and move instead of sit at the computer all day long,” said Hannah Kenney, senior consultant, cyber risk advisory. “If I didn’t have her bringing me a toy or wanting to go play in the backyard, I think I might work myself to the bone. Having a dog is also really important for me to feel like I’m not lonely. As weird as it sounds, talking to my dog throughout the day gives my voice a workout and keeps me feeling connected to something other than my computer.”

National Take Your Dog to Work Day began in 1999 as a way to celebrate companion dogs and encourage adoptions. The BARR team encourages you to explore adopting or fostering a pet through KC Pet Project—one of the organizations we supported during our Day of Giving last fall—or another pet adoption agency near you.

With that, we’d like to introduce you to the beloved pets of BARR!


Dog sitting in the grass with a ball
Hobbies: Chasing the ball, long walks.
Belongs to: Mitch Evans, Director, CISO Advisory


Small dog with pink bandana sitting
Hobbies: Playing with her toys, going on walks, playing frisbee, and, of course, cuddling.
Belongs to: Ken Daniels, Senior Consultant, Cyber Risk Advisory


White sheep dog
Hobbies: Watching TV (especially Wilderness Vet on NBC), barking at the neighbor’s cat, and tug-of-war.
Belongs to: Jen Knobel, Marketing Manager

Murphy and Callaway

Dog playing in sprinkler
Hobbies: Playing with the hose, walks.
Belong to: Whitney Perez, Manager, Cyber Risk Advisory


Dog wearing a bandana while sitting
Hobbies: Sprinting around the back yard and playing under the deck.
Belongs to: Whitney Lindsey, People Operations Manager


Dog sitting
Hobbies: Eating treats, sleeping and playing with other dogs at daycare.
Belongs to: Vince Maduri, Associate Consultant, Cyber Risk Advisory


Gray and white cat sitting
Hobbies: Greeting all visitors, playing with his feather wand.
Belongs to: Angela Carpenter, Senior Consultant, Cyber Risk Advisory


Dog sitting on a couch
Hobbies: Chasing rabbits in the backyard, eating, and pretending like she doesn’t want to be petted even though that’s clearly the only reason she comes into my office and stands right where my hand is.
Belongs to: Hannah Kenney, Senior Consultant, Cyber Risk Advisory


Black dog near water with life jacket
Hobbies: Swimming, playing during work breaks.
Belongs to: Brett Davis, Associate Consultant, Cyber Risk Advisory


Small dog with a red and blue mohawk
Hobbies: Sleeping in the sun, curling up next to family members.
Belongs to: Melody Marra, Operations Manager

The team also offered up a few tips on working alongside a pet all day, every day: 

  • “With a high energy dog like Willow, I try to play with her throughout the day, even during downtimes when I may have 5-10 minutes or when I take my lunch break. If I have a busy day full of meetings, I shut her out of the room so she knows I’m busy and is less likely to distract me.” – Brett Davis
  • “Get a noise-cancelling headset and mic. Also, take your pet on long walks to get some fresh air and look at something other than a screen or wall.” – Mitch Evans
  • “Always make time during your day to play or walk with your pups. They love it and it gives you a mental break.” – Whitney Perez
  • “If you have an active cat, toys they can play with on their own are a must!” – Angela Carpenter 

Interested in celebrating National Take Your Dog to Work Day on a daily basis alongside the BARR team? Explore our current openings.

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